
BELPI – Belarusian Beverages’ operation was always accompanied and continues to be accompanied with active charity. We are proud that our company constantly provides veterans, musicians, writers, sportsmen, organisations of culture and healthcare, Orthodox and Catholic parishes and many others with charitable aid.

This is a short list of BELPI’s charitable projects:

- a modern turnkey German heating system for a local school was assembled and put into operation;

- assistance was provided in construction and finishing of a church at the town of Smolevichi;

- assistance was provided in construction and finishing of a Catholic chapel at the town of Zhodino;

- assistance was provided in publication of an album of the Gorodskiye band of the famous Belarusian author and performer Pit Pavlov;

- assistance was provided in organisation of a concert of the famous medieval-music band Stary Olsa;

- assistance was provided in organisation of a concert of the modern Belarusian bands Krambambula and NRM;

- assistance is permanently provided to the local organisations of veterans;

- sponsor support at the first demonstration of Occupation. Mysteries feature film on a big screen in Belarus

- sponsor support at the issuing of Verasen literary and art magazine;

- sponsor support at holding of the First Contest of Commercials and Advertisements in the Belarusian language Adnak!

BELPI’s motto: “Revival of national traditions will make Belarus prosper!”

Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your health